Friday, July 22, 2011

Illustrate: Feature in Cartoon Map

Okay... umm... it is very long time since I last posted.. Thing is I've been very busy with my life.. like my master degree and works. I had worked in a company and quitted. Now, since my career is teaching and freelancer, I have a bit more time to work on digital painting and my blog!!

As the header of this post said, this is the feature, such as; characters and stuff, that I added to the existing cartoon map which belong to the Soi Sanook company that I had worked awhile for in Thailand.

The hard things about adding feature is that I have to make sure that my features go a long to the rest of the image, like style of artwork and perspective.

This is an image of colorful snack cart in Thailand.

This image belongs to Soi Sanook Company, Thailand.

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